Is it Okay to Use my Good Pencils?

I see this question asked quite a bit on several colored pencil pages I follow.  So many artists struggle with using their higher quality, colored pencils.  My answer to this question is USE YOUR GOOD PENCILS!   Yes, artist grade pencils cost more money than Crayola brand or other student grade pencils, but after all, you are an artist and you should be using artist grade materials.  It’s okay to give yourself permission to use them!


Why, you might ask?

For one reason, how else will you become familiar with your tools if you aren’t using them?  As an artist and a colored pencil instructor, I’ve become familiar with the names, the colors I use most often and what I like about each brand of colored pencil by using them.  Because of that I’m more prepared when I’m choosing my pencils for a new project.  I know which ones work well together and which do not.  If you only use student grade pencils to practice, how will you know what to use when you are ready to begin a new project you are really excited about?

Think of it like this… 

When a woodworker is creating a piece of furniture do you think he uses his best tools? What about a quilter making a quilt?  A potter making a new pot?  They grow in their skills by using the tools created to help them accomplish their task at hand.  That’s how we, as colored pencil artists, need to see our colored pencils, as tools of our trade. 

What is the difference? 

You might wonder if there is any difference in student grade and artist grade, colored pencils?  Undoubtedly, there is much difference.  Just one of them being the amount of pigment in artist grade pencils is so much more than in student grade pencils.  You can become frustrated because you can’t attain the saturation you need to cover your surface when you use lower grade, colored pencils.  I found this true as an oil painter.  For many years I used student grade oil paints, and faced frustration over and over when the paints didn’t perform as I needed.  I finally decided to save up my money and buy a set of artist grade paints, and I never regretted it!  They worked so much better in my paintings.  I found that much of my frustration was from not using quality materials.  That lesson stuck with me, so when I switched my medium to colored pencils, I knew not to be thrifty in choosing my colored pencils.  I have quite a collection of different brands five years later, and I have no regrets.  Some I like better than others, but the only way I know that is by using them. 

I hope this encourages you to give yourself permission to use your good pencils. Have fun creating your artworks with high quality materials!

Other News: 

Prints are ordered! 

I’ve had several requests for giclee prints of some of my latest art pieces.  I ordered them last week and should have them within the next couple of weeks.  I’ve also ordered more Santa of Paris prints for the upcoming holiday season. Watch my website ( and my Facebook and Instagram pages for updates. 


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Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!


Kim Keys



When Do I Stop Doing Tutorials?
