Taking Care of Ourselves

I’ve been quiet for a while, but I’m back!  I’m entering into a new season of life with my husband as he is about to retire from a company he has been with for 32 years.  It’s an exciting time for both of us and I have just taken some extra time off to enjoy being with him.  Family is first!  We both are looking forward to more time together and with our family in this new season.  

I’ve also been looking at goals for this year and where I’m headed.  I’m a little behind in doing this, but that’s okay.  It’s made me reflect on what’s important and how to keep my priorities straight as I move forward.  It’s always interesting how we make New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of the year and then find we have already “fallen off the wagon” by the end of January or so with some or all of our goals.  That’s why it so important for us to set realistic and achievable goals.  One of those goals should be to take better care of ourselves, whether it’s our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health.  

Creating art with colored pencils is my profession, but it shouldn’t all be about “work”.  Creating art is very therapeutic for me.  It really helps with several of those areas I just listed above.  So, it’s important for me to be sure it’s given a priority in my life.  Even if I just have 15-30 minutes a day to sit down and create something, even if I don’t finish it, it just helps me to be a better wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, teacher and whatever other roles I’m serving in at that time.  At times when I haven’t given it a priority, I start realizing how edgy I become.  I’m not my best self for sure, and I know it’s time to revamp and get it back on the priorities. 

What activities bring life to you?  Is it creating art, gardening, writing, playing an instrument, taking a walk in nature, or something else?  Whatever it is, I hope this encourages you to keep it a priority in your life and carve out time in each day for it.  I probably know the thought that just went through your mind, “I don’t have time.”  I have found I have time for whatever is important to me.  What if we watched TV a little less, or didn’t spend so much time on our phones?  Just carving out 15-30 minutes a day to do something therapeutic for you can make so much difference in your quality of life. 

As a colored pencil artist who loves this medium, sometimes it’s fun and therapeutic to try other mediums with colored pencils and see how it comes out.  Some are successes, and others, not so much, but it’s not about that, it’s just simply about choosing to be creative.  It’s about having fun!  Remember, when we were children, what it was like to just have fun?  Somehow, we lose that wonder along our way in life with all of our busyness.  Become childlike and give yourself permission to have fun! 

Even though we are about 6 weeks into the new year, I encourage you to begin a new habit. Choose something that really feeds your soul, and carve out time each day for it.  In 30 days, I would expect you to find how much richer your life is, as I have.   

So, that brings me to the end of this blog.  As far as updates for Kim Keys Fine Art, I plan to write a new blog about once a month now and I will continue to create new colored pencil art to sell as originals, as well as prints and cards.  My work is still displayed and for sale at Tresors de Paris, 125 Lamar Ave., in Paris, Texas.  If you haven’t been able to visit this store in downtown Paris, I encourage you to go see the beautiful art displayed there by local artists!  They also sell many varieties of wine and craft beer.  You will love it!  You can also see and purchase my art on my website, www.kimkeysart.com.  

I also have a class on Wednesday afternoons from 2-4 p.m.  I still have room for 2-3 more students.  If you would like more info, please email me at  kjkeys@kimkeysart.com. I would love for you to join me!  That about covers it for this month.  I hope you have a blessed month and a Happy Valentine’s Day.  

Be blessed,



Hello Spring!


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